Altitude record

Altitude record

25. July 1998, 13:04

The great success of Kubicek's balloon. The hot-air balloon "BP - Flower Power" (or also Kubicek BB30), piloted by a double world champion Joschi Starkbaum, flought this summer up to the height of 15.360 m and broke the 15 years old world height record and established the new one. 
The succeessful attempt started at 21st July 1998 in Austrian Stolzalpe beiMurau and finished happily after 2 hours in 50 km distant Knittelfeld. 
The next day we welcome the hero and his balloon in Brno at Kubicek's Factory. There they're interviewed for radio and TV (Mr. Starkbaum) andwere subjected to the detailed technical analysis (balloon BP). 
By this it was discovered that the extreme temperature in the envelope (probably over 200°C - for example: the temperature outside the balloon was -55°C) has no influence on the textile of the balloon. There was nodifference between the new and BP's material.

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