Harley-Davidson among baskets

Harley-Davidson among baskets

1. July 2005, 13:46

For one important customer from Germany we made a very special basket. According to customer's request there's a smooth black leather on the top rim and the poles covers. Same material is used for very special sidewall cushion around all the basket, for the pockets and bags, and also all the leather on the bottom is coloured to black. Only zips in poles covers are red. In general the impression is great, the baskets looks very luxury and little bit rebel; similar feeling you could have on good chopper or an expensive car.

You ask, we answer:

Lenka KrejčováKamila, assistant
answers whatever you ask


Ivo BrzákIvo, salesman
takes care about customers from EU, US and Japan.


odpovime_martinMartin, salesman
takes care about the custommers from EU, USA, Canada


crew_MMx_copyMilan, salesman
takes care about the custommers from Turkey, Egypt, Mexico


David, sales manager
will answer your sales related questions


Petr KubíčekPetr
coordinates dealers'network


Ondřej BenešOndřej, service & after-sales care
solves maintenance, inspections and complaints


odpovime_radimoRadim, chief-designer

answers technical questions


Radim PoláčekRadim, executive director

accepts offers for cooperation and applause of all kind
