Visit of a German dealer

Visit of a German dealer

3. July 2014, 12:20

Klaus and Thomas, our dealers from Germany, visited our factory during the first 2 days of July.They flown the demonstrator balloon in the evening on the first day. The flight took place near Medlov, south Moravia, the birthplace of Klaus' ancestors. The weather was totally calm, so the flight was only 400 meters long and lasted for 35 minutes.

In the morning of the second day, after a short business meeting, Thomas suddenly disappeared.He was looking for a cell phone Klaus lost. Thomas was found in the workshop, where our latest envelopes are produced. In the expedition ward, a special double door basket caught Thomas's attention. So he went to the basket workshop. The workshop is full of finished baskets ready to ship. Klaus's lost cell phone was found in one of the baskets.

You ask, we answer:

Lenka KrejčováKamila, assistant
answers whatever you ask


Ivo BrzákIvo, salesman
takes care about customers from EU, US and Japan.


odpovime_martinMartin, salesman
takes care about the custommers from EU, USA, Canada


crew_MMx_copyMilan, salesman
takes care about the custommers from Turkey, Egypt, Mexico


David, sales manager
will answer your sales related questions


Petr KubíčekPetr
coordinates dealers'network


Ondřej BenešOndřej, service & after-sales care
solves maintenance, inspections and complaints


odpovime_radimoRadim, chief-designer

answers technical questions


Radim PoláčekRadim, executive director

accepts offers for cooperation and applause of all kind
