Replaceable Jets

Because we are asking the Ignis burner to operate throughout the world including places which are either hot or cold and with variable propane quality we have designed the burner to be simple to adjust. The Ignis is fitted with a number of fixed jets and 6 removable jets that stand a little higher than the others. One or more of these jets can be replaced with blanks to change the fuel flow and optimise the burner‘s performance. Your Ignis will be set up for your operating area and it will come with a small bag of blank and regular jets in case you change your flying area.

Ignis - replaceable jets

You ask, we answer:

Lenka KrejčováKamila, assistant
answers whatever you ask


Ivo BrzákIvo, salesman
takes care about customers from EU, US and Japan.


odpovime_martinMartin, salesman
takes care about the custommers from EU, USA, Canada


crew_MMx_copyMilan, salesman
takes care about the custommers from Turkey, Egypt, Mexico


David, sales manager
will answer your sales related questions


Petr KubíčekPetr
coordinates dealers'network


Ondřej BenešOndřej, service & after-sales care
solves maintenance, inspections and complaints


odpovime_radimoRadim, chief-designer

answers technical questions


Radim PoláčekRadim, executive director

accepts offers for cooperation and applause of all kind
