Light Weight Options

Save weight with our super light basket options!
Suitable for baskets K13, K14, K17, K19 and K19L

Which options can save you more than 20 % of the weight of your basket?

  • Smaller diameter tubes frame (door included)
  • Thinner soft floor
  • Thinner drop-line tape, smaller pocket
  • Lightweight basket weave
  • Smaller fire blanket (for USA only)
  • Small basket pocket
  • Lightweight floor runners

Check out the comparison:

Basket type Saved weight (kg/lb) Saved weight (%)
K13 (with a door) -22 kg / -48 lb -23 %
K14 (with a door) -21 kg / -47 lb -21 %
K17 (with a door) -21 kg / -47 lb -19 %
K19 (with a door) -20 kg / -45 lb -17 %
K19L (with a door) - 18 kg / -40 lb -15 %


   save_weight   light_vyplet

If you do not find precisely what you want among our optional accessories then please call either the main Kubicek office or your national dealer – we are here and ready to help you.

You ask, we answer:

Lenka KrejčováKamila, assistant
answers whatever you ask


Ivo BrzákIvo, salesman
takes care about customers from EU, US and Japan.


odpovime_martinMartin, salesman
takes care about the custommers from EU, USA, Canada


crew_MMx_copyMilan, salesman
takes care about the custommers from Turkey, Egypt, Mexico


David, sales manager
will answer your sales related questions


Petr KubíčekPetr
coordinates dealers'network


Ondřej BenešOndřej, service & after-sales care
solves maintenance, inspections and complaints


odpovime_radimoRadim, chief-designer

answers technical questions


Radim PoláčekRadim, executive director

accepts offers for cooperation and applause of all kind
