Service Instructions

This section provides information and documents regarding technical questions about balloon construction and operation, and about its parts, operation orders, and other general directives and manuals. Even though this seciton does not contain mandatory documents, we recommend keeping track of service information releases.

S.I. No. Date of Issue Reason Files
SI 2024/02 2.8.2024 Replacing of FDS Tri-Lite vent panel PDF [347 kB]
SI 2024/01 29.4.2024 Replacing of control line carabiners without operating line jack PDF [250 kB]
SI 2023/04 rev. 1 6.3.2024 Basket stainless steel cables replacement PDF [910 kB]
SI 2023/03 21.9.2023 Replacement of control line of parachute/paralite DS PDF [458 kB]
SI 2023/02 11.7.2023 Replacement of broken manilas (SN 455 ONLY)  
SI 2023/01 27.3.2023 Installation of Transponder Equipment PDF [168 kB]
SI 2022/06 rev. 1 29.5.2023 Allowed carabiner types PDF [1,78 MB]
SI 2022/04 28.4.2022 Tightening the cardan bolts. PDF [812 kB]
SI 2021/01 21.6.2021 Installation of side skids PDF [1,6 MB]
SI 2020/04 14.10.2020 Gimbal block assemnly after transport PDF [993 kB]
SI 2020/03 29.5.2020 Guidance on Balloon Cleaning and Disinfection PDF [939 kB]
SI 2020/02 rev.1
5.5.2020 Installation and using of transparent dividers PDF [1,30 MB]
SI 2020/01 6.2.2020 Repair method of damaged K40Y basket corner (SN 140 ONLY)
SI 2019/2 rev. 3 12.9.2023 Combination with Kavanagh (or Kavanagh-Cameron) Bottom ends PDF [167 kB]
SI 2019/1 rev. 1 31.1.2019 Pilot Restraint Harness Fixing Point Installation PDF [249 kB]
SI 2018/3 6.11.2018 Ball Valve Lever Nut Securing for Kubicek Fuel Cylinders PDF [629 kB]
SI 2018/2 12.10.2018 Gyro Locking Pin Replacement PDF [360 kB]
SI 2018/1 rev. 1 27.8.2018 Center Jet Installation for Kubicek Ignis Burners  PDF [249 kB]
SI 2017/1 12.9.2017 Increasing of Slide Vent Deflation System Efficiency PDF [479 kB]
SI 2015/2 30.7.2015 Combination with Kavanagh Bottom Ends PDF [88 kB]
SI 2014/1 14.7.2014 Installation of H-shaped Floor Runners PDF [557 kB]
SI 2013/1 11.10.2013 Increasing of Efficiency of Paralite Deflation System PDF [429 kB]
SI 2012/4 rev. 1 4.10.2013 Reduction of Condensate Water at Ignis Burner PDF [429 kB]
SI 2012/3 rev. 1 4.10.2013 Basket Karabiner Stopper PDF [274 kB]
SI 2012/2 rev.1 4.10.2013 Replacement of Pressure Reducer Piston in Ignis Burners PDF [66 kB]
SI 2012/1 rev.1 4.10.2013 Check of Seals in Rego Connectors PDF [78 kB]


You ask, we answer:

Lenka KrejčováKamila, assistant
answers whatever you ask


Ivo BrzákIvo, salesman
takes care about customers from EU, US and Japan.


odpovime_martinMartin, salesman
takes care about the custommers from EU, USA, Canada


crew_MMx_copyMilan, salesman
takes care about the custommers from Turkey, Egypt, Mexico


David, sales manager
will answer your sales related questions


Petr KubíčekPetr
coordinates dealers'network


Ondřej BenešOndřej, service & after-sales care
solves maintenance, inspections and complaints


odpovime_radimoRadim, chief-designer

answers technical questions


Radim PoláčekRadim, executive director

accepts offers for cooperation and applause of all kind
